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Updated Cooking Video Post

I always enjoy watching cooking videos on YouTube.  I also have fun making them.  I do not have the camera and light gear that the "pros" have, and my editing software is iMovie on my phone, but I have fun putting them together.   Here are updated links to a few cooking videos that I have put together.   They aren’t ever going to get thousands of views, but I enjoy watching them over and over again.

Sunny Side Up Eggs

Pork Belly Burnt Ends

Creamy Mushroom Soup

Spicy Smoked Wings

Beer Cheese Soup

Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti

Eggs in a Nest

Smoked Pulled Pork

Jerk Chicken

Mushroom Soup

Beef Jerky

Smoked Ribs

Smoked Beef Chuck Roast

Smoked Brisket

Shrimp and Peppers


Slow Cooker Chili

Dehydrating Spicy Peppers

Bacon, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich 


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