About 15 years ago I saw a commercial, or read an advertisement in a magazine related to learning how to write. It was for a mail-order school where they give you assignments, you mail it in, and a week later you get your corrected assignment back in the mail.
Something in the back of my mind has always been telling me that I would be good at writing. During college I would look forward to the essay questions because I knew I could easily fill up that little blue test book. My only problems are that I am terrible at spelling and my grammar usually sucks.
And I don’t always know where the next paragraph should start… see…
Well, I decided to call that 800 number and have them send me some ‘no obligation’ information about their school. A couple weeks later I received my packet. I read it over and just like so many other things in my life, I decided to pass on it. That didn’t stop the company from sending me even more information about their school. Over the course of th...
I`ve thought the same , sometimes. BUT, I think I`d miss the changes , and four seasons.
Sure, the ice, cold, shoveling gets to me. But just like life is always changing, so must the seasons. I took my dogs for a early morning walk this morning. It couldn`t have been much more then 10 degrees, but with no wind I found myself walking even farther then I had planned. I didn`t hear my dogs complaining either.
Sure, I wouldn`t have enjoyed shoveling all morning, but I wouldn`t trade the early morning walk in 10 degrees for a year of sunny and 72 degree days.
I can see a condo in future someday, so as to avoid the bad times of winter. But, I also see me walking dogs , early in the morning, with single digit temps, in my future also.
Enjoy the spring, summer, fall And winters of your life.