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Showing posts from 2004

Thanks Tommy!

Here I sit in my hotel room in Utica, MI. The sound of the dishwasher is trying to drown out all the other non-familiar noises of this hotel.. Occasionally I’ll hear someone running down the hallway. Occasionally I’ll hear a door slam. A few minutes ago I heard what sounded like a whole pack of dogs barking and howling. I didn’t think they allowed dogs in this place. It’s a nice suite hotel. I suppose families might be living in some of the rooms waiting for their house to be completed or something…. Oh well, doesn’t bother me any… I got a package delivered to my house today. My wife called me to tell me about it. I asked her to open it… I guess I’m a little kid that way… She opened it and tried to describe what it was. She tells me it’s a wood piece about 13 inches by 8 inches. On it, burned onto the wood is the word HONDA and under that is a drawing of a wild boar. A guy from Florida sent it to me. Last winter I sent him some Wisconsin snow (all sealed in a jar). ...

I don't like birthdays...

Today I turned 43. Where are all of the years going? It seems like just yesterday, I was a boy crossing the street at Honey Creek Parkway on my way home from Third grade (the second time through). I remember thinking to myself… I can’t wait until I’m 16 and then I’ll be able to drive. Then I remember the afternoon I graduated from 9th grade. I was on my bike riding around the teachers parking lot at Alexander Bell Jr. High. I remember thinking to myself… the next time I step into a school, I’ll be in High School. Then I remember freshman orientation at UW-Milwaukee. I was confused. The guy taking us around asked, “Do you have any questions, like where’s my locker?” I thought to myself… yeah, where’s my locker? I didn’t realize that we weren’t going to have lockers anymore. Then I remember graduating from college. I had a job lined up in Fond du Lac. I remember walking down the isle at the Arena when I saw one of my teachers sitting right next to the isle. He said ...

A Great Weekend

I had a great weekend. It actually started Thursday afternoon and lasted until Monday afternoon. I went on a mini motorcycle vacation with my brother and nephew. Our destination was Corbin, KY to meet up with a bunch of Sport Touring guys. We weren’t planning on hanging out with them, but it was a convenient excuse to ride around that area of the country. Thursday evening we made it down to southern Indiana and spent the night at a Lee’s Inn. We’ve stayed there twice before. This time, the lady checking us in was one of the least helpful people I think I have run across in the hotel business. We asked for a Roll-away bed. Her response was “We don’t have any.” Then, as if thinking we would mention that we knew they had roll-aways, she said… “They are all being used.” By the looks of the parking lot, we could see that they only had about 6 rooms booked that night… I guess everyone had a few roll-aways reserved. We are pretty laid back people. We didn’t make a fuss and ...

Bad Vibes

I’ve always been a nervous person who thinks something is going to go wrong. I work myself up to the point where I honestly think my bad vibes actually cause things to go wrong. Take my computer for example. My wife or kids can turn the computer on and everything starts up just fine. Me, when I press the power button, thoughts shoot through my head like… it’s going to lock-up, the blue screen is going to come up again, the disk is going to have errors…. And you know what? Something bad usually happens. I have problems with my motor vehicles as well. Twice now I think I willed my car to have problems. My wife told me that she needed to add oil to her van because it was low. I instantly started thinking that my car needed oil. Wouldn’t you know it, the next time I started my car, the LOW OIL light came on… What’s with that? Then, on Christmas as we were coming home from our holiday visits the Low Coolant light came on in my wife’s van. That thought was running though ...

Get it done!

Oh how I hate it when people don’t keep commitments or even bother to tell you that they won’t be doing something. I have problems with this in my personal life and my work life. I’m sure you have probably been in this situation… you talk to someone about a project or a task and all indications are that that person intends to follow though and do what they have indicated they will do… Then a couple weeks later you realize the task hasn’t been done and when you bring this up with the person who has failed to follow through with their commitment you get a blank stare, or worse a statement like… I didn’t mean I was going to do it now… or… something else came up and I decided not to do the thing we were talking about. Maybe the problem all comes back to me. Maybe I’m not specific enough, or feel like I’m hounding the person if I make them tell me exactly what they are going to do and exactly when they will have it done. I tried this once with my wife and learned not to do that ag...

Rain Rain go away...

Where is all of this rain coming from? It seems like every time I look at the weather station, the forecast is for rain. Rain is good... but not all the time. I've got stuff I need to do outside and doing those things in the rain is NO FUN. Last night I cut the grass. I actually had to push the mower thru water that was a couple of inches deep in some areas. The grass needed to be cut because of the forecast for rain throughout the remainder of the week. I couldn’t wait for my son to do it because he was at work… and any ways, I really need the exercise. I have a problem with some of my gutters and downspouts. The gutter in the far back of the house seems to get clogged and water pours over. The dirt in the back of my house is washing away. I ended up buying a 32’ ladder so that I could get to that gutter to clean it out. The problem now is that the ladder is too heavy to easily move around. I’m so glad I have a wife that is willing to help me no matter how much ...

Why a Blog?

This Blogging thing seems to be a very interesting way to let the world know who I am and what makes me tick. I found a reference to this service while reading my PDA news and thought I would give it a try. Hopefully I can share with you some of my thoughts, some good recipes and possibly a little humor... Soup's on!